Friday, February 26, 2010

Achieving Your Goals

Last week Hyacinth, my daughter and assistant, sent you all an email asking you to give us feedback regarding your preference for a written blog or a video blog. Just as we suspected, an over whelming amount of you prefer a video blog. Many of you echoed the belief that a picture is worth more than a thousand words. We agree, and thank you all for your comments. However, in the spirit of literacy and in support to our undying quest for excellence, we have decided to do both.

Here's why. We are quickly becoming a nation of lookers and spectators; we have become mind numbing habitual viewers of senseless TV programs that lack substance (reality TV, etc.). We cannot afford not to read. There is power in the written word.

Reading forces us to think; it promotes comprehension. Reading and writing are the tools that bring forth the wonders of our imagination. Before a motion picture is made, it must first be written, and then read with comprehension before it's birthed into reality.

With that said, let's move right into Achieving Goals, which also must be written.


Actually, to be quite honest, most of us achieve our goals each and every day whether we realize it or not.

Think about it for a moment; most people set goals each day that are easy to accomplish. In fact, most of our goals aren't really goals at all, they're habits. Think about it, your goal for this morning was to get up, get dressed, eat some breakfast and go to work (if you're lucky to have a job); your goal today or tomorrow might be to visit your beautician or barber.

The point here is, we have trained ourselves and conditioned our minds to set the bar of achieving goals so low, that our goals have become our everyday habits. Most of us eat so much food until eating less food has become the top goal in America. You see, I don't think achieving ones goals is all that difficult.

Drunkard John has a goal of getting drunk tonight; he's been doing it for 20 years and there's little doubt he won't accomplish his goal. Two Quarters Slick Willie has his usual goal of creeping tonight and you better believe that he's going to accomplish his goal.

Listen up folks, a real goal should be something that will challenge your potential. It should be something that requires self discipline and a strong will power. Upon completion, the goals that you set will help you discover the true power that lives within you. Come on! Let's achieve some meaningful goals.

Join me on March 10th, 2010 at 7pm for our next workshop; we will go into more detail on achieving your goals.

The class will be held at The Universal Truth Center in Miami Gardens, FL.

You must call and register to attend the workshop as, seating is limited.

Call our office at 305-825-1444

Friday, February 12, 2010

Your Net Worth

For some, figuring out your actual "Net Worth" can be about as frightening as facing "Judgment Day", where some believe the great creator will judge you based on your actions. Figuring out your net worth helps you to realize where you are financially. The bottom line number might not be what you want see, but it will tell you what you need to see. Here's how to calculate your net worth. Add the value of all your assets, (residence, automobiles, rental property, retirement accounts, investment securities, cash, bank accts. CD's, land) next, list your personal items that may be of value; this may include jewelry, coin collection, music instruments, etc. Please don't list all of your junk, like your shoes or sneakers and old clothes; list items that are worth $500 or more. Next, list all of your personal liabilities such as credit cards, student loans, auto loans, credit union loans, mortgages, time share payments, or any other debt that you may owe. Now, subtract all of your liabilities from your assets; this figure is your net worth. Now, if it's negative, please don't slit your wrist, or kick the dog, and no, you're not exactly a looser. But, you do have to get your mind right and begin to make some changes. In life, I have found that, there are three types of people. Those who see, (these type of people were just born smart) those who see when told (these types, listen and learn) and, those who just don't see at all (talking to them, is like talking to a door knob) the question here is, which of the three are you? Let's hope you're not the door knob. My friend Chris likes to say all of us fit in one of three categories, 1. People who like to make things happen, 2. People who like to talk about what happened, and 3. People who are still trying to figure out what happened. Your "net worth" has nothing to do with how much money you make; it has everything to do with how much money you keep. The noise and chatter throughout the world only serves as a distraction for anyone seeking personal growth and prosperity. In other words, the world (the media, advertisers, etc.) wants to keep you focused on the dumb stuff, like making you believe that you can spend your way to happiness, and in the end, you're broke with a net worth of zero. Oh yes, we're in the Matrix; not machines, but corporations rule the world. Imagine a "judgment day" and you're asked, "What have you done with the talents that I've blessed you with?" and your answer is "I enjoyed life, I spent everything on myself. I spent my whole life serving me." Unfortunately, a large number of people miss the whole point of why it's important to work hard to increase ones net worth. In truth, your "net worth" is more than dollars and cents. It represents several things about you and your character. Your character is the sum total of all your life experiences; it's developed by your thoughts, your actions, and your habits. Whether your experiences are perceived as good or bad, they contribute to form your character. If you really want to begin to build your "net worth," begin by studying yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts, your actions, (pay yourself first) and your habits (wants vs. needs) the creator gave us the gift of life, our gift to the creator is what we do with our life. Come on, build some "net worth". Let me know your thoughts.

“Our society's values are being corrupted by advertising's insistence on the equation: Youth equals popularity, popularity equals success, success equals happiness.”-John Arbutnot

Friday, February 5, 2010

What's So Hard About Budgeting?

Before we discuss the so-called "difficulties" of budgeting, let’s first define what a budget is. A budget is a systematic plan (not an imposing burden) for the expenditure of money. It’s the total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time. It’s an itemized (broken down) summary of estimated or intended expenditures (your monthly bills) for the specified period (i.e. month, quarter, year). Bottom line, a budget tells you what you can and cannot do, financially. This is where I think the difficulties begin. You see, truth is, a budget sets up boundaries, it sets limitations and guidelines, and its mission is to control spending.  Truth is, most adults don’t want to be controlled when it comes to spending their own money. Heck, why do you think advertisers spend billions of dollars on assisting people in becoming totally confused about their wants versus their needs. Advertisers want you to “think” that you’re in control when you actually aren't; it’s called “emotional buying”. They make you “feel” like you need something when you don’t. So, control is one factor. Another problem with a budget is, it forces you to look at reality. Believe it or not, facing reality isn’t a top priority for most folks, why do you think so many people abuse drugs and alcohol? Yes, they abuse these substances to escape reality. In order to really set up a budget, you have to come and clean and face the truth. You have to stand up and look in the mirror and say to yourself “I am an alcoholic”…Oops, I mean, “I need a budget”! Heck, most folks would rather die, than face the truth. Look what’s happening in Washington; both the Democrats and the Republicans are lying through their teeth. If you listen to them, America can’t afford nothing, (health care or jobs) nothing at all, unless maybe if you mention the word “war”. America is always willing, ready and able to spend billions on a war. Another reason why people find it difficult to set up and maintain a budget is, it helps you, not only track where you’re spending your money, but how much money you’re spending on items as well. It tells you that if you’re earning $40,000 per year in salary and your mortgage is $2,000 per month, you’re spending sixty percent (60% of $40,000=$24,000) of your income on your mortgage, therefore, alarming you that your payments are too high for your level of income. Again, most people don’t want to face the truth. It’s reminds me of the guy who claims to be playing cards every Friday night, all night until the next morning. His good wife never questions him but, trust me, she knows there’s a good chance he’s out with “Juicy Lucy”. Again, most of us have a problem with facing the truth. A budget lets you know when it’s time to get a job (or second job) or increase the price for whatever goods or services you provide. Bottom line, a budget tells you the truth. Men lie, women lie, but the numbers tell the truth. Did you know, a recent report just released said, 86% of all luxury cars were purchase by people whose net worth’s were less than $1 million dollars. Wow!  This report shows that a lot of people aren't budgeting properly. As you can see, adhering to a budget is serious business, it take self discipline and will power in order to make it work. Over the years, I have heard many people say that they wish they could save and invest more money, but according to universal law, before you are blessed with more, you must show how well you manage little. We all get what we deserve, nothing more, and nothing less. Get a budget. For those of you who are in town, on February 10th 2010, the Rev. Dr. Mary Tumpkin and I will be conducting a FREE class on budgeting. I will be presenting from a financial point of view and the Rev. Dr. will be presenting from a spiritual point of view. Please come and bring a friend and join us at 7pm sharp (the class is one hour).
The class will be held at The Universal Truth Center located at 21310 NW 37th Ave in Miami Gardens.

"The amount of money you have has got nothing to do with what you earn. People earning a million dollars a year can have no money and people earning $35,000 a year can be quite well off. It’s not what you earn, it’s what you spend."-Paul Clitheroe

"Today, there are three kinds of people: the haves, the have-nots, and the have-not-paid-for-what-they-haves" -
Earl Wilson