Friday, June 18, 2010
The Reason That You Fail
In life, we either fail or we succeed. We are living in a world today in which the people who lived before us could only imagine. We are living in the land of opportunity, yet eighty five percent of us who live in this country are either, broke or busted and discussed or both. The average person begins to read by the age of 6, by the age of 25, we began learning how to make a living and take care of ourselves. Yet by the age of 62, a great percentage of us are broke and totally dependent on social security to take care of our needs. Why is this happening? Why do some people prosper while many others fail? The answer is clear and simple, it's the same thing Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and all of the ancient teachers talked about, in fact, it was here before them. Here it is: We Become What We Think. Yes! That's right. Whatever you think and believe, you will become. When you think and believe something and focus on it, trust me, it will come to pass. In other words, aiming and setting goals is the key to success. Show me someone who is successful at something, and I'll show you someone who had a goal and took aim at something. Likewise, show me someone who is not successful and I'll show you someone who aimed at nothing; they just drifted through life as prisoners of circumstances. People that fail believe that their lives are shaped by the things that happen to them ("somebody done them wrong") they believe that outside forces control their lives. Successful people think and believe that they steer their lives from the inside the same way a driver steers an automobile, not from the outside, but from the inside. Some might ask, what is the definition of success? The answer is: Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal. That's it. People fail because they lack working towards a worthy goal. Going to work every day and working on the assembly line is not a goal, especially if you got cut from a pro football team, that's hell. Ask yourselves, "What am I aiming at"?
Let me know, blog me back. Listen every Saturday morning from 8am to 9am on 880AM
Or tune in online:
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Many times before, we've heard that "Knowledge Is Power" but what's even more powerful is "Applied Knowledge" because to simply have knowledge and not apply it is a waste of knowledge. In other words, many people know better, but yet they don't "do" better. This is what is meant by "wasted knowledge". Case and point, everyone knows by now that robbing a bank is a crime, however, the prisons are full of bank robbers who had this knowledge, but didn't apply this knowledge. Today's blog is meant to expose you to "more"; yes, there is always "more", just waiting for you to acknowledge and have. But before you can "get more" you must be open and receptive to a new thought and a new idea. Let me expose you all to the truth, it's a truth that has been used since the beginning of time. It has made more millionaires and billionaires than anything known to man. It is the absolute most powerful tool you can ever use to bring forth your heart's desires. It's better and more powerful than knowledge, and guess what? It's absolutely free. Yes free! It doesn't cost a dime. In fact, we were all born with it, it's a little known, underused power that's been mostly used by Architects, Designers, Fiction Writers, Movie Directors, Inventors, Developers and so many others to make dreams come true. The tool or the power that I'm referring to is the power of your Imagination. That's right, imagination is the key. You've heard me talk about the power of your thoughts, and how your thoughts can change your world; imagine using your thoughts and training them to imagine your life just as you would have it to be. Trust me, it works. Most of us make the mistake of thinking Imagination is something used just for kids or some kind of fantasy on the lines of Disney. But stop and think for a moment, the airplane at one time was just the Imagination of the Wright brothers. Avatar, the blockbuster motion picture written and directed by James Cameron was at first seen through his Imagination. The reason why so many of us have underused or not recognized this power is because Imagination is not slave to the five senses. In other words, most humans find it extremely difficult and most times impossible to believe anything unless it is confirmed by the five senses. We only believe that which we can, Hear, See, Touch, Smell, or Taste. If it doesn't get the approval of the five senses, either it's not true, or it's a miracle. In truth, we all are miracles. Having the guts to risk losing one's money by investing is certainly a miracle. Everything that is seen, at one time was just an Imagination. The key is to begin to imagine the life you want, and go for it. Let me know your thoughts.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
No, I'm not an optometrist and this blog isn't about your physical eyesight. However, I do feel that using the principle understanding of how nearsightedness and farsightedness affects your ability to see correctly, physically, as a metaphor it will help you see and understand the principles of investing.
Ok, what is nearsightedness? Nearsightedness is when a person's vision is better up close than it is at a distance. In other words, the person can't see far. Many people suffer the same symptoms of nearsightedness when it comes to investing their money. They can't mentally see into the future, they don't believe anything unless they can see it now and up close. There are many people who suffer from nearsightedness and have never been diagnosed or treated. It is virtually impossible for a nearsighted person to ever achieve or prosper in anything, especially without treatment (glasses, contact lenses). It has been written that people suffer for a lack of vision. Investing in real estate, stocks, mutual funds, a business and even your future requires being able to see at a distance.
The investment world requires you to be able to see past what is current. Heck, a farmer has to be able to see past the seeds that he plants in order to produce fruits and vegetables. To live a life and not be diagnosed or treated for farsightedness is equally our bad.
Farsightedness is the opposite. It's when a person can see far but not up close. Many of us go looking and searching for things and stuff to make us happy, we search high and low, spend large amounts of money looking for something that God has already given us when all we have to do is look inside. The story of The Wizard of Oz was about Dorothy and the other characters being farsighted; still today, many of us can't see it. Many people say they need more, but have proven the inability to work with less.
All the truth and knowledge you could ever imagine, is and will ever be, buried deep inside you, all you have to do is look up close. Seek and I promise you, you will find!
Saturdays 8am-9am
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time to Invest
Timing is everything. Being at the right place at the right time can change your life, in fact, choosing the right time to invest your money will most definitely change your life and your family's life as well. When you think about it, the entire investment world is governed by time. Heck, actually, the entire universe is governed by time. If we would only sit back for a moment and observe the workings of The Universe, we would soon discover that time reveals all. Whether you're experiencing pain or suffering from one thing or another, each day the pain begins to ease more or less.
When you sit still and enter a quite state of mind, you will begin to notice and realize that everything is governed and measured by inches, seconds, hours and days etc. Your heart must beat at a required pace, we all must breathe a certain amount of oxygen in order to live. Life and death are measured in time. What we choose to do with our 24 hours during a day determines the quality of life we all experience. If you're broke, it means either you haven't spent the proper time learning how to invest your money or you chose the wrong time to invest. Example: buying real estate or stocks when they're too high.
Every investment has a right time to invest; the problem is most folks don't know how to recognize the right time. Can you imagine a farmer not knowing when to plant his crop? Or have you ever heard of a farmer afraid to plant because of fear that he might lose that what he has? No! Everything in the universe adheres to the principle of reaping and sowing. If you sow the seeds of corn, only a fool will expect to reap tomatoes. We all reap what we sow; unfortunately, most of us haven't learned this simple principle. But it is time. Let every ear that can hear know, that the season is here, IT IS TIME TO INVEST!!! Don't worry about changing the world, change yourself, and I guarantee the world as you know it will automatically change.
Listen to us on and 880AM every Saturday morning from 8am to 9am.
Leave a comment.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Do You Really Want To Prosper?
Whenever someone is asked the question "Do you really want to prosper?" an overwhelming number of us would naturally assume the answer would be "Of course, yes!". But even though most folks would say "Yes" it's pretty obvious that most people would say one thing but do another. The old saying "Actions speak louder than words" is all so true. Truth is, from the looks of things, most people really don't want to prosper. Did you know, there's a massive amount of people who are truly afraid to prosper? Yes, that's right, afraid to be successful. I know that this might come as a surprise to you but, becoming prosperous requires "Right Thinking" followed by "Right Actions".
You have to really make a conscious effort towards your goals and desires in order to prosper. In other words, it's not easy. It's real work. Heck, most people don't really know what they want out of life other than a car, something to eat, drink, a place to live, and some sex. Oh yeah, I can't forget the importance of having a stream of income coming in each month to pay for these wants of ours. In fact, the income stream can come from whatever source that's kind and generous enough to supply it. It really doesn't matter, just as long as it keeps coming in. (Mother, Father, Ex-Wife, Ex-Husband, Government, Employer etc.)
When you look at it from a different point of view, it appears that most folks really don't want to prosper; it appears that more folks just want to exist. Webster defines the word exist, as: to have actual being; to have life or animation; live. I don't know what you all are thinking but, frogs exist, so does a piece of plywood. To be on the same conscious level of existence as a frog or a piece plywood is not exactly what The Great Creator of The Heavens and The Earth had in mind for mankind. I personally know (not 'believe') but 'know', that it's a sin to not seek prosperity. To sin means to miss the mark. In other words, to be out of sync with the universe and your true nature which are Harmony, Peace, Love and Abundant Living.
You were not born to merely exist, you were born to prosper.
Blog me back, one love.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Too Broke To Invest
It never ceases to amaze me, how so many people claim and profess to be "too broke to invest". The truth is, if you're blessed to have a job, and you receive pay, you're not "too broke to invest". Listen-up, your words are powerful, whatever you tell yourself to believe whether it's true or not, becomes-your truth. And whatever you chose to believe about yourself-is true.
If you constantly say the words "I'm too broke to invest" I promise you, you will be. Whatever you try to do to improve your financial situation will end in failure. Your words are more powerful than you could ever imagine. And whatever you think, your actions will follow. If you think you're nothing, then you are nothing. You take control of your life by first taking control of your mind; you become the master of self. Now, unless you're a modern day slave or you're working for some old school pimp who takes your money, and even if that's the case, trust me, you still have the power of choice. Yes, that's right! Each day, we choose whom or what thought we shall serve. When you get paid, you are the master; you have the choice to pay whomever you decide. And if your credit's bad, you've already flexed your muscles and made the choice of who's not getting paid. Now it's time to make sure that pay yourself first since you're the master and the boss of yourself.
For some psychotic reason many of us think that paying for a car or buying luxuries and having a good time is the same as paying yourself. Nothing could be further from the truth. Paying yourself is doing something that increases your assets, your net worth. Buying cars, clothes and maintaining superficial living habits doesn't add anything of value to your net worth. What if the government imposed a new law that said "Anyone and everyone who's over the age of 18, and has been working for more than 20 years, will be put to death in 5 years if your net worth is less than $250,000."? In other words, all of the non-productive, space taking, traffic jam causing, welfare system abusers, unwanted or uncared for baby donors have to go! Wow! In other words, be responsible or die! Still think you're "Too Broke To Invest"?
Blog me back.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
During these seemly trying times and economic uncertainties, we must keep our heads, while people all around us are losing their minds and panicking.
Change, especially good change always brings out our worst enemy-fear. Fear will cause you to do and say stupid things. Fear and doubt will wipe you out and leave you uttering the words "I should've done this, I should've said that". One thing for sure, fear will leave you broke. You have never seen fear accomplish anything. It is the seed that produces heartbreak and misery. Fear is the season when the wealthy become wealthier and the poor become poorer.
There has never been a better time to invest than when fear is running wild. If you don't believe me, just look around. The restaurants are full, the retail stores are booming, and the stock markets are moving higher. Don't get caught-up in fear. Fear clouds your vision and stunts your growth. The only weapons that can defeat fear are faith, courage and love. You have to love that which you desire. Whatever your goals are or your dream is, drop fear and stay focused on your goals and dream. By the way, do you even have a goal?
Blog me back and join us every Saturday morning for a live discussion on 880am radio from 8am-9am. If you aren't local, then tune in online
We discuss money, business, finances and so much more!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
We Must Create
If you aren't living the life you love, don't fret, just create it! I know that sounds pretty simple but trust me; it's not as simple as you think it is. All human frustration comes from unfulfilled desires. Believe it or not, we all, and I mean all of us, were born with a creative mechanism that enables us to create the lives we live.
Now, I know at first glance this all sounds a lot like hocus-pocus, but again, trust me, it isn't. Creativity is our birth right; we were all created by the Great Creator to-create. Happy is he who is building and creating his own world. Open your eyes for a moment and think outside the box. Are you making things happen or are things and stuff happening to you? Watch your thoughts very carefully, because your thoughts and your beliefs create your life experiences. Every day we should spend time working on creating new ideas. There are billions, maybe trillions of new ideas just waiting for great thinkers to develop the consciousness to bring them from the inner world onto the outer world.
It was once said that small minds spend time talking about people, average minds spend time talking about events, and great minds create and talk about new ideas. There's no sense in talking about politics, sports, news or anything else that's not going to add to your ability to create a better life. To create better financial conditions, you must create better financial causes. In other words, you must create better thoughts about saving, investing, and spending money. All thoughts are causes, and all effects are the conditions. To the thinker who thinks the thought of going to the casino, and later walks out of the casino broke: Don't blame the casino, the casino did what it was created to do (take your money), all blame goes to the thinker who caused the thought. And becoming broke is just the condition and the effect of a bad thought.
Sorry, don't listen to Jamie Foxx; you can't blame it on the alcohol. Blame it on your thoughts and your beliefs.
Who do you think you are anyway? Let me know your thoughts!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Staying Focused
One of the main reasons most of us don't meet our goals and financial desires is because we underestimate the power of "staying focused". Yeah I know, having a conversation about "staying focused" isn't exactly ranked high on the gossip polls, and since most gossip is trivial and pointless, maybe it's time that we focus, on the power of being focused.
Trust me, anytime you're not following the crowd and keeping-up with the silly Jones, chances are, you're moving in the right direction. Listen, I don't like the "blame game" and I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but lately I'm beginning to think maybe there's some kind of conspiracy to make most of us dumb and to divert our focus towards sex, Botox and cosmetic surgery. Ever since Pfizer released the blockbuster drug "Viagra" (Cialis, Levitra etc.) HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases have been on the rise among senior citizens.
While we're busy focusing on short lived emotional pleasures, the income gap between the haves and the have-nots is steadily increasing. The world is changing folks, and the future belongs to those who are able to focus on matters of upward mobility. Staying focused is the key. Every now and then, during the Winter Olympics broadcast, I'd sneak a peek and marvel at how focused the athletes were. I'm not into figure skating but, I must admit, not only was I blown away by their courage, determination and skills; I was assessing the magnitude of their consciousness.
The power and the capabilities of the human mind are truly mind boggling. When we make a commitment to focus on that which we really (and I mean really) want, it is then, that we witness the great power of the within. Let's be honest, don't lie, are you really, really focused? The truth is, whatever you focus on always shows up through the experiences that you have in your life.
Are you really serious about getting your financial house in order? We'll see. Let me know your thoughts.
"Goals are simply tools to focus your energy in positive directions, these can be changed as your priorities change, new one added, and others dropped."
Friday, February 26, 2010
Achieving Your Goals
Last week Hyacinth, my daughter and assistant, sent you all an email asking you to give us feedback regarding your preference for a written blog or a video blog. Just as we suspected, an over whelming amount of you prefer a video blog. Many of you echoed the belief that a picture is worth more than a thousand words. We agree, and thank you all for your comments. However, in the spirit of literacy and in support to our undying quest for excellence, we have decided to do both.
Here's why. We are quickly becoming a nation of lookers and spectators; we have become mind numbing habitual viewers of senseless TV programs that lack substance (reality TV, etc.). We cannot afford not to read. There is power in the written word.
Reading forces us to think; it promotes comprehension. Reading and writing are the tools that bring forth the wonders of our imagination. Before a motion picture is made, it must first be written, and then read with comprehension before it's birthed into reality.
With that said, let's move right into Achieving Goals, which also must be written.
Actually, to be quite honest, most of us achieve our goals each and every day whether we realize it or not.
Think about it for a moment; most people set goals each day that are easy to accomplish. In fact, most of our goals aren't really goals at all, they're habits. Think about it, your goal for this morning was to get up, get dressed, eat some breakfast and go to work (if you're lucky to have a job); your goal today or tomorrow might be to visit your beautician or barber.
The point here is, we have trained ourselves and conditioned our minds to set the bar of achieving goals so low, that our goals have become our everyday habits. Most of us eat so much food until eating less food has become the top goal in America. You see, I don't think achieving ones goals is all that difficult.
Drunkard John has a goal of getting drunk tonight; he's been doing it for 20 years and there's little doubt he won't accomplish his goal. Two Quarters Slick Willie has his usual goal of creeping tonight and you better believe that he's going to accomplish his goal.
Listen up folks, a real goal should be something that will challenge your potential. It should be something that requires self discipline and a strong will power. Upon completion, the goals that you set will help you discover the true power that lives within you. Come on! Let's achieve some meaningful goals.
Join me on March 10th, 2010 at 7pm for our next workshop; we will go into more detail on achieving your goals.
The class will be held at The Universal Truth Center in Miami Gardens, FL.
You must call and register to attend the workshop as, seating is limited.
Call our office at 305-825-1444
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Your Net Worth
For some, figuring out your actual "Net Worth" can be about as frightening as facing "Judgment Day", where some believe the great creator will judge you based on your actions. Figuring out your net worth helps you to realize where you are financially. The bottom line number might not be what you want see, but it will tell you what you need to see. Here's how to calculate your net worth. Add the value of all your assets, (residence, automobiles, rental property, retirement accounts, investment securities, cash, bank accts. CD's, land) next, list your personal items that may be of value; this may include jewelry, coin collection, music instruments, etc. Please don't list all of your junk, like your shoes or sneakers and old clothes; list items that are worth $500 or more. Next, list all of your personal liabilities such as credit cards, student loans, auto loans, credit union loans, mortgages, time share payments, or any other debt that you may owe. Now, subtract all of your liabilities from your assets; this figure is your net worth. Now, if it's negative, please don't slit your wrist, or kick the dog, and no, you're not exactly a looser. But, you do have to get your mind right and begin to make some changes. In life, I have found that, there are three types of people. Those who see, (these type of people were just born smart) those who see when told (these types, listen and learn) and, those who just don't see at all (talking to them, is like talking to a door knob) the question here is, which of the three are you? Let's hope you're not the door knob. My friend Chris likes to say all of us fit in one of three categories, 1. People who like to make things happen, 2. People who like to talk about what happened, and 3. People who are still trying to figure out what happened. Your "net worth" has nothing to do with how much money you make; it has everything to do with how much money you keep. The noise and chatter throughout the world only serves as a distraction for anyone seeking personal growth and prosperity. In other words, the world (the media, advertisers, etc.) wants to keep you focused on the dumb stuff, like making you believe that you can spend your way to happiness, and in the end, you're broke with a net worth of zero. Oh yes, we're in the Matrix; not machines, but corporations rule the world. Imagine a "judgment day" and you're asked, "What have you done with the talents that I've blessed you with?" and your answer is "I enjoyed life, I spent everything on myself. I spent my whole life serving me." Unfortunately, a large number of people miss the whole point of why it's important to work hard to increase ones net worth. In truth, your "net worth" is more than dollars and cents. It represents several things about you and your character. Your character is the sum total of all your life experiences; it's developed by your thoughts, your actions, and your habits. Whether your experiences are perceived as good or bad, they contribute to form your character. If you really want to begin to build your "net worth," begin by studying yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts, your actions, (pay yourself first) and your habits (wants vs. needs) the creator gave us the gift of life, our gift to the creator is what we do with our life. Come on, build some "net worth". Let me know your thoughts.
Friday, February 5, 2010
What's So Hard About Budgeting?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Fake It ‘Til You Make It
The other day I had an interesting conversation with a friend that happens to be a client, about faking financial prosperity. My friend, for the sake of privacy, we'll refer to him as "Mr. P" told me that he has a different opinion on the subject and that he wanted to call in and voice his concerns when he heard me talk about it on my radio show. For those of you who are new to me and my world, Lynda, my sister in law and I have a financial talk radio show called "Understanding Money"; it airs live, every Saturday morning from 8am-9am. Visit our website for more information. In Mr. P's view, he felt that I came down pretty hard on people who practice this superficial life style. For those of you who didn't have the pleasure of hearing the show, I'll recap what I said, then, we'll discuss his view on the subject. I said it then and I'll say it again: "Faking ones financial status by showing off obvious signs of luxury like expensive clothes, fancy cars and bling-bling jewelry, even though you can't (credit cards) afford them, is a clear sign that you lack financial responsibility." Honestly, it really does very little for the people that you love and care about. It only conjures up feelings of envy or secret resentment. In fact, the practice has been the cause of many failed marriages and broken relationships. To fake is to lie. Faking is a way to conceal the defects of or to make you appear more attractive than you, yourself, feel you are. Which is better? To appear to be rich, or to be rich? Well, "Mr. P" said that sometimes "faking it 'til you make it" may be all that, that person has. He said sometimes a person's self esteem is so low, that material luxuries is the only thing that will instantly lift them up. He said if you can't be rich, you might as well look rich. My response to that is, If you spend your time and money trying to appear to be rich, where in the world, are you going to get the money to invest properly, so one day you will become rich?. People who adopt the "fake it till you make it" superficial way of life tend to focus on short term happiness, while unconsciously building a life of long term poverty. Listen, let's not kid ourselves, we all know someone who looks like "glitter", but if you dig deep, there's no gold. Don't get it twisted. Faking it is not the same thing as positive thinking or visualizing the things that you want (these are mind exercises), neither is faking it, positive affirmations, it's just lying. Trust me, the things that you do and how you carry yourself, have a profound effect on all of the people that you encounter (your neighbors, your community) rather you know them or not. Faking it is one of the major reasons why so many people can't seem to get ahead generation after generation. The sum of money might be one problem, but how money is used is a much bigger problem. Say what you want and do what you want with your money, but seeing a first year school teacher (single and not rich) drive up in a 500 series Benz, doesn't say "you've made it" actually it says you're living beyond your means. The other day, my 21 year old son told me how his 21 year old friend "Jose" (spanish kid), just purchased a new 750 series BMW and how everybody's ooh and aahing him. Never mind the fact that "Jose" works at a Kiosk (a booth) in the middle of a shopping mall. My son said "Jose" was bragging and talking big about all the new found attention he was receiving after buying his new depleting asset, which is costing him $1200 per month. This is the same kid who, a few months ago backed out of sharing an apartment with my son because his father told him, he should wait until he paid off his old car (2007 Camry) before taking on the expense of an apartment. So now, the kid remains home with Mama and Papa, with a wasting asset in the drive way to impress the neighbors. Get this, "Tony"(white kid), another one of my son's 21 year old friends was so envious, that went out and purchased a white brand spanking new (with fancy rims) 750 BMW also. As you can see, this "fake it 'til you make it" stuff crosses all ethnic lines. As for my son, he's out looking for an apartment right now; a cow would have to jump over the moon before he tries something like that while he's under my roof.
"To fake it is to stand guard over emptiness"-Arthur Herzog
What do you all think?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Wall Street vs. Main Street
I've been in the financial services business for over 25 years, and after being in this field and witnessing firsthand how money talks and BS walks, I can honestly tell you that if you, me, the president or anything or anybody else thinks that Wall Street can be man handled, fined, and told what to do without human and financial casualties-they'd better think again! Wall Street knows all too well how to play and use the rules that help create and define, free enterprise and capitalism. America has never been known to just "ask" for what it wanted; America takes what it wants and justifies it later with the help of some sort of Jedi mind trick. Former President Bush once announced, to his rich audience at a black tie affair "you are my base". Trust me, he wasn't talking to "Main Street", he was addressing Wall Street. Main Street doesn't own or control the media, Wall Street does! Main Street doesn't control or own the banks and money centers; again…that's Wall Street! Wall Street has enough money, power and influence to make you tell a lie, and then, believe your own lie. Ever heard a new song played on the radio that you didn't like? Don't worry, after the radio station plays it 27 times, you'll be singing it in the shower. Yeah, you can thank Wall Street for that too. The point is, we have a president that's really trying to do the right thing; but doing the right thing is always harder than doing the wrong thing. Anytime a new idea is born or a change in thought appears, it's always placed in a minority position rather than in the majority. If Wall Street is against the president, then you know the president is right. Unfortunately, the masses are weak; people are tired and scared. This reminds me how the people chose Barabbas over Jesus; they chose a so-called murderer over someone who demonstrated love. Folks with money have generally always been able to influence folks with less money, that's just the nature of being a lost human. There's a big difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. Right now, President Obama is dealing with the spirit of the law which falls under the realm of good will, moral values and ethics. And since he can't get that from Wall Street, they are daring him to tamper with the letter (old capitalist rules) of the law. They want him to move in the direction of socialism so the people can rally against him. He's daring to do things that no other president has ever been successful in doing (healthcare reform, balancing the scales, reducing the income gap ) what's more is, he's attempting all these things while being the first black man to ever become president of the free world. What an exciting time to be alive and to bear witness to how this moment in time will play out. I can tell you one thing for sure; this won't be an intellectual battle between man versus man. Oh no, this show down is too juicy for human intellect! The outcome, and what's at stake here is probably too vast for average human comprehension. This is certainly not about democrats and republicans, oh no, that's just a decoy. This power struggle is much bigger than that. Wow! Wall Street versus Main Street, or should I say, good versus evil.
“That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong, that decency will somehow triumph in the end”-Lise Hand
Let me know your thoughts.
The 3rd Eye
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Committed to Investing
“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”-unknown | |
New Year, New You!
"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better." — King Whitney, Jr.
New Year’s Resolution
"Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. The man who does not shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish the object upon which his heart is set. This is true of earthly as of heavenly things. Even the man whose object is to acquire wealth must be prepared to make great personal sacrifices before he can accomplish his object; and how much more so he who would realize a strong and well-poised life."-James Allen
Here's another...for the road *wink*
"The first and best victory is to conquer self."-Plato
The 3rd Eye